Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Rhetoric of Cancer

Listening to the podcast The Rhetoric of Cancer was very moving for me. As much as I try to sympathize with the speakers, I know that I will never truly understand their pain and suffering, unless I experience it myself. This though alone, is very frightening.

Cancer has already claimed the lives of millions of people, and sadly, there may be more to come. Currently, it is almost impossible to cure, even with the best technologies that we have. It is with this fact that I find myself wondering, what if one day, I was diagnosed with cancer? What will I do? Will I still be able to live my life normally? How will I be able to accept it? As of the moment, I cannot answer this questions.

Facing cancer is truly a difficult battle. Prepared or not, it may occur to anyone at any time. That is why I am really amazed of those people who are facing this fight. Amidst all the pain and suffering, they do not give up on life. They are the ones with the strongest will, and the strongest spirit.

We are already in the age where our economy and science has progressed enough to be able to increase support for researching a cure for cancer. Sadly, out nature as humans seem to push us into giving more attention to trivial things. If we are to achieve a true victory in this battle with cancer, this attitude must change right now.

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