Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rhetoric of Cancer

Cancer is a type of disease wherein the growth of cells became undesirably massive. It is considered as one of the major causes of death around the globe. Whenever I hear the word cancer, the next thing that comes into my mind is death. Even though some ways of treating cancer already exists, still, your life is in danger since whoever has a cancer has a high risk of dying earlier than how long he should live especially when you had it on the most delicate parts such as brain. It is treated through radiation therapy and most commonly through chemotherapy wherein cancer cells are eliminated by applying toxic on them. Even the medications done to cure the disease have bad effects on the body.
One of my closest friend had brain cancer and we never last a talk about her disease because she would cry hard each time we did. I was not the one who started the topics and she would introduce topics about death, religion and life and would suddenly burst into tears afterwards. She became paranoid and anxious. My friend had a brain cancer and although her cancer has not reached the higher levels yet, she already has gone due to some complications.
It is really hard to describe what really cancer is because it affects not only your physical state by also your emotional and mental state. They become conscious of everything and that had happened and will happen. But how should we treat cancer? How should we live along with it?

Cancer cells unfortunately have become part of the cancer victims. In the podcast, the interviewee kept on saying that he doesn’t want to fight it because he doesn’t want to have a ‘civil war’ within him since cancer cells are now part of his body. He said it is hard to deal with it and that he wanted to kiss it goodbye but the right way of dealing with it is living along it. He said that cancer somehow can be a gift that would enlighten your mind. It will help you realize what life really is and how to treasure time you have to live with your love ones.  And since cancer is part of nature, meaning it comes along with life, we have to learn how to deal with it.

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