Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Rhetoric of Cancer Reaction Paper

In the documentary, it was said that a man named Andrew Graystone was diagnosed with cancer three years ago. He realized that the language commonly employed to approach this disease revolves around military metaphors. However, are military metaphors such as ‘battling’ always appropriate when it comes to dealing with cancer?

There is no one definition that describes all cancers. Thus, people have related cancer to death. It may be inappropriate but we can’t blame such connotations since having cancer is really a serious case. Anyone would be really shocked when receiving news about a friend, relative, loved ones, or any known person having diagnosed with cancer.

The causes of cancer are diverse and complex making it very hard to understand. Moreover, there is still no known universal cure for cancer. Fortunately, with the advancing technology scientists have developed ways to fight with cancer. There have been cancer researches specialized in the nature of cancer, finding its causes, and the best one maybe is the detection of its pattern through the geometrical pattern of fractals. However, cancer still has been always viewed by many as ‘terminator’ of human’s life.

In his conclusion, Andrew gave surprising insights as he was able to view cancer as a “gift” as he traveled on a journey teaching him with the sense of life. Many people having cancers and diseases have lost faith. We may have some questionable events in our life. We may experience some bad scenes we don’t deserve but it doesn't mean that should not be enough for us to lose faith. We can never escape a challenge in our life. We need these challenges in order to experience an event called ‘life’. It may be unfair that some of us experience harder challenges. We should not look at those challenges with that attitude. A challenge is not a challenge without difficulty. We should not look at our challenges with its difficulty but with its purpose to our life. Metaphors may be appropriate some times when it comes to dealing with cancer. It just depends on the situation, the person involved and its purpose. Furthermore, cancer would always be a serious case but we could always use other approaches for better purposes.

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